איזו "בבא" הכי קשה?



Rebbi Crispus in the name of Rebbi Yose ben Rebbi Ḥanina: If they were strung they are permitted32If all butcher shops in the neighborhood are kosher and all households eat kosher, nobody expends the work to string pieces (or sausages) together if they are not kosher and have to be fed to the dogs.. 33This sentence is missing in ג and B but there is no reason to doubt its authenticity. Ten stores, nine sell carrion and one sells kosher slaughtered meat, if it was switched, he worries. For what is found, one follows the majority. Ten stores, nine sell kosher slaughtered meat and one sells carrion, if it was switched, he worries34In the language of the Babli (Ketubot15a), “anything whose provenience is fromknown fixed sources is considered as 50–50”, and therefore one has to consider the switched package as coming from the store which sells carrion, whether this is one in ten or nine in ten.. For what is found, one follows the majority35If a package of meat is found and provenience and buyer are unknown..

Rebbi Joḥanan said, what is in the hand of a Gentile is as found on a thoroughfare36Greek πλατεῑα (sc. ‘οδός) “a wide (road)”. On a thoroughfare the traffic is not local; even if all local shops are kosher, the majority of travelers come from places which are not kosher, and meat found there automatically is forbidden.. Rebbi Eleazar ben Rebbi Ḥaggai was supporting Rebbi Mana. He saw an Aramean cutting from his horse and feeding his son. He said to him, that is what Rebbi Joḥanan said, what is in the hand of a Gentile is as found on a thoroughfare37Meat at the disposal of a Gentile automatically is forbidden.. He answered him, so said the great Rebbi Yose38R. Yose ben Ḥalafta, the Tanna.: Only39That meat in the possession of the Gentile possibly is kosher. if they saw him leaving a Jewish butcher shop40Latin macellum.. A man in Sepphoris went and wanted to buy red meat from a butcher, but he did not give to him. He told a Roman, who brought him. He said to him, did I not buy against your will? He retorted, did I not give carrion to him41Disproving R. Yose’s statement. The butcher is happy to sell his non-kosher meatto a Gentile since it is worthless for his Jewish clientele.? Rebbi Jeremiah in the name of Rebbi Ḥanina: A case came before Rebbi who said, it is not believable to forbid the butcher shop of Sepphoris42He doubts the genuineness of the story. Since Rebbi Joḥanan lived a generation after Rebbi, his ruling has to be followed..

42aThis paragraph, accepting the Babylonian opinion that “meat which was out of sight”, out of control for a moment, is prohibited, annulling the Mishnah here, appears in a different order of the cases in Avodah zarah 2:9, Notes 393-395. The Genizah text here follows the arrangement of Avodah zarah. Rav returned there and saw them taking things lightly and was restrictive with them. A man went to wash a piece of meat in the river. He forgot it and left. Then he went and wanted to sell it. Rav told him, it is forbidden to you, for I am saying the other one was carried away by the river and it brought another piece of carcass meat in its place. A man was carrying meat while walking on the market. There came a vulture, seized it from his hand, and dropped it off. He came back and wanted to sell it. Rav told him, it is forbidden to you, for I am saying that it was carrying carcass meat, dropped it and took the other instead.

Ginai43A river not otherwise identified (also mentioned in Demay1:3 (Note 144), Babli Ḥulin 7a. Since both known authorities called R. Isaac ben Eleazar were Galilean, the river must be a Galilean brook. The statement made here is that even though wineskins may have been used for non-kosher wine, if they were swept away by a brook but then recovered, identification confirms not only ownership but also possibility of use for kosher wine. swept away wineskins. The case came before Rebbi Isaac ben Eleazar who said, may the vintners recognize their knots.

A sausage was found in the meeting room of the town council. The case came before Rebbi Jeremiah who said, may the butchers recognize their handiwork44Since the sausage was whole, the problem of meat out of sight does not arise if the maker recognizes it..

A roast kid goat was found in the main street of Gufta45The meaning of this word is not clear. It seems to denote the Jewish part of Sepphoris.. They permitted it because of two things, as a find46Because it was found on a thoroughfare it is ownerless and the finder may take possession without trying to find the owner., and because of the majority of passers-by47Since the place was Jewish, the meat is presumed to be kosher.. As a find, as it was stated: If one saves from before a lion, from before an army, from a surge of the sea, or the surge of a river, from a wide road, or a wide plaza, it belongs to him, since the owners give up on them. Because of the majority of passers-by, because of a Gentile’s slaughter. It turned out48Nevertheless, nobody tried to eat from the meat before its kosher state was ascertained and certified. that it was from the House of Rebbi.

A wheel of cheese was found in the hostelry of Levi. They permitted it because of two things, as a find, and because of the majority of passers-by. As a find, as it was stated: If one saves from before a lion, from before an army, from a surge of the sea, or the surge of a river, from a wide road, or a wide plaza, it belongs to him, since the owners give up on them. Because of the majority of passers-by, because of Gentile’s cheese. It turned out that it was from Rebbi Eleazar ben Rebbi Yose.

Rebbi Mana said before Rebbi Yose, but do we not see that the rabbis publicize49This refers to the monetary aspect, Note 46. Rabbis will advertise to find the prior owner even if the find was laying on a well-travelled road.? He told him, if you had been there, you would not have taken it. Your father, Rebbi Jonah, did not say so, but he said, if only I would find it inside from the circular road50Cf. Eruvin Chaptrer 8, Note 102; the access road to and from a town along a long-distance road. “Inside” is the major road in the town, where many people are passing by at all times.. Even so, he found and did not take51In practice he did not follow his own permissive ruling which therefore cannot be practice..

Talmud - Bavli - The William Davidson digital edition of the Koren No=C3=A9 Talmud
with commentary by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz Even-Israel (CC-BY-NC 4.0)
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