איזו "בבא" הכי קשה?



MISHNA: With regard to one on whose behalf the blood of one of his nazirite offerings was sprinkled on the altar, and he became ritually impure before bringing the rest of his offerings, Rabbi Eliezer says: His impurity negates the entire tally, and he remains a nazirite. And the Rabbis say: Let him bring the rest of his offerings and be purified. The Rabbis said to Rabbi Eliezer: An incident occurred involving Miriam of Tarmod who was a nazirite, that the blood of one of her offerings was sprinkled on her behalf, and they came and told her that her daughter was mortally ill. And she went and found that her daughter was dead, and thereby contracted impurity. And the Rabbis said: Let her bring the rest of her offerings and be purified.

GEMARA: It is taught in the mishna: Rabbi Eliezer says that this negates the entire tally. The Gemara asks: But didn’t Rabbi Eliezer say (16b): With regard to any nazirite who became ritually impure after the completion of his term, this negates only seven days. Rav said: What does: Negates, that Rabbi Eliezer said in the mishna here mean? It means that his impurity negates all his offerings. Rabbi Eliezer did not mean that the nazirite must count his entire term of naziriteship afresh; rather, he must bring all his offerings a second time, including the one whose blood was sprinkled before he became impure.

The Gemara comments: So too, it is reasonable that this is the meaning of Rabbi Eliezer’s statement, as the mishna later teaches: And the Rabbis said: Let her bring the rest of her offerings and be purified. Learn from here that they disagree only with regard to the offerings, but not the naziriteship itself.

The Gemara cites the rest of the mishna, which also indicates that the tanna’im disagree with regard to the offerings. And an incident also occurred involving Miriam of Tarmod, that the blood of one of her offerings was sprinkled on her behalf, and they came and notified her that her daughter was mortally ill. And she went and found that her daughter was dead, and thereby contracted impurity. And the Rabbis said: Let her bring the rest of her offerings and be purified. The Gemara concludes: Indeed, learn from the mishna that this is so.

MISHNA: A High Priest and a nazirite may not become ritually impure even to bury their deceased relatives. However, they become impure to bury a corpse with no one to bury it [met mitzva]. If one of them comes across the corpse of a Jew, and there is nobody else available to bury it, he must bury the body. If a High Priest and a nazirite were walking along the way and they found a met mitzva, and one of them can tend to the burial by himself, Rabbi Eliezer says: Let the High Priest become impure, and do not let the nazirite become impure. And the Rabbis say: Let the nazirite become impure, and do not let even a common priest become impure.

Rabbi Eliezer said to the Rabbis: It is preferable to let the priest become impure, as he does not bring an offering for his impurity, and do not let the nazirite become impure, as he brings an offering for his impurity. The Rabbis said to him: On the contrary, let the nazirite become impure, as his sanctity is not permanent, and do not let a priest become impure, as his sanctity is permanent.

GEMARA: In light of the mishna’s dispute between Rabbi Eliezer and the Rabbis, the Gemara compares the status of various individuals. Granted, with regard to a High Priest and a nazirite, one can explain the dispute as follows. This Sage, the Rabbis, holds that it is preferable that a High Priest remain ritually pure, as his sanctity is permanent. And this Sage, Rabbi Eliezer, holds that it is preferable that a nazirite remain ritually pure, as he is obligated to bring an offering for his impurity.

Additionally, if the two walking together were a High Priest anointed with the anointing oil, as was performed during the First Temple period,

Talmud - Bavli - The William Davidson digital edition of the Koren No=C3=A9 Talmud
with commentary by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz Even-Israel (CC-BY-NC 4.0)
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