איזו "בבא" הכי קשה?



And afterward, the goat whose services are performed outside is sacrificed, as it is stated: “One goat for a sin-offering besides the sin-offering of atonement and the daily burnt-offering, and its meal-offering, and their libations” (Numbers 29:11), indicating that the goat sin-offering is sacrificed after the other offerings of the day. And afterward he offers his ram and the ram of the people, and afterward he places upon the altar the portions of the sin-offering to be consumed on the altar, and afterward he sacrifices the daily afternoon offering.

What is the reason for the opinion of Rabbi Eliezer? The High Priest acts in accordance with the order in which it is written in the Torah: First he performs the services described in Leviticus, and afterward he performs the additional offerings mentioned in the book of Numbers.

And what is Rabbi Akiva’s reasoning? His reasoning is that as the Tosefta teaches that the verse states: “Besides the morning burnt-offering which is the daily burnt-offering you shall sacrifice these” (Numbers 28:23), it is apparent that the sacrifice of the additional offerings should be performed together with the daily morning offering.

The Gemara asks: And Rabbi Eliezer, what does he do with this verse: “Besides the sin-offering of atonement,” which was the basis for Rabbi Akiva’s opinion? That verse is necessary for him to derive from it that for what this one, the goat sin-offering whose blood is sprinkled inside the Holy of Holies, atones, that one, the goat sin-offering of the additional offerings whose services are performed in the Temple courtyard, also atones.

§ The Tosefta cited above, which recorded the opinion of Rabbi Akiva, also records additional versions of his view: Rabbi Yehuda says in the name of Rabbi Akiva: One of the seven lambs is sacrificed with the daily morning offering, and the other six are sacrificed with the daily afternoon offering. Rabbi Elazar, son of Rabbi Shimon, says in the name of Rabbi Akiva: Six are sacrificed with the daily morning offering and one with the daily afternoon offering.

What is the rationale of the Rabbis, i.e., Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Elazar, son of Rabbi Shimon, who divide the sacrifice of the seven lambs into two parts? Two verses are written that suggest different times at which the additional offerings are sacrificed: It is written with regard to the additional offerings: “Besides the morning burnt-offering which is the daily burnt-offering you shall sacrifice these” (Numbers 28:23), implying that the additional offerings are sacrificed in the morning. But it is also written that upon concluding the service of the day: “And he shall exit and make his burnt-offering and the burnt-offering of the people” (Leviticus 16:24). As the phrase: “The burnt-offering of the people,” is referring to the additional offerings, this verse implies that the additional offerings are sacrificed in the afternoon. Therefore, in order to fulfill both verses, he performs the sacrifice of some of them here, in the morning, and some of them there, in the afternoon.

With regard to what do Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Elazar disagree? Rabbi Yehuda holds that the High Priest performs the sacrifice of one lamb in the morning, as it is written: “Besides the morning burnt-offering,” and then he performs the service of the day before he proceeds to sacrifice the other six lambs. Initially, only the minimum possible number of lambs is sacrificed lest the High Priest become weak by doing more. He might then be unable to complete the service of the day, which cannot be performed by anyone else and without which atonement cannot be achieved.

And Rabbi Elazar, son of Rabbi Shimon, holds: Since he has begun to sacrifice the lambs he performs the sacrifice of six of them, leaving over only one until the afternoon. He sacrifices the maximum possible number of lambs now lest he be negligent later and fail to sacrifice so many at the close of the day. There is no concern that by doing so he might become weak and be unable to perform the service of the day, because with regard to the service of the day, the High Priest is diligent and will always muster the energy needed.

The Gemara notes: Despite their disagreements, everyone agrees, however, that there is only one ram for the people. In accordance with whose opinion is this? It is in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi. As it was taught in a baraita that Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi says: Only one ram for the people is sacrificed, as the one stated here in Leviticus: “With this shall Aaron come into the Sanctuary: With a young bull for a sin-offering, and a ram for a burnt-offering” (Leviticus 16:3), is the same one that is stated in the Book of Numbers: “And you shall sacrifice a burnt-offering to the Lord of pleasing odor: One young bull, one ram, seven unblemished year-old lambs shall be unto you” (Numbers 29:8). Rabbi Elazar, son of Rabbi Shimon, says: There are two rams for the people: One that is stated here in Leviticus, which is part of the service of the day, and one stated in the Book of Numbers, which is part of the day’s additional offerings.

What is the rationale of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi? As it is written: “One,” implying one ram, not two. And according to Rabbi Elazar, son of Rabbi Shimon, what is the meaning of “one”? “One” indicates that the ram used should be the unique one, i.e., the best, of its flock.

And from where does Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi derive the requirement that the ram be of the best stock? He derives it from the verse: “Your choice vows” (Deuteronomy 12:11), which teaches that all offerings must be from the choicest animals. And according to Rabbi Elazar, son of Rabbi Shimon, why is this additional verse necessary? One verse refers to obligatory offerings, and the other one refers to free-will offerings. And both are necessary because the requirement in one case cannot be learned from the other. It is reasonable that a free-will offering must be from the choicest animal since it is a voluntary gift; and it is also reasonable that an obligatory offering should be the choicest, since an obligation must be fulfilled in the finest possible way.

§ It was taught in the mishna: The High Priest sanctified his hands and feet and entered the Holy of Holies to take out the incense spoon and the coal pan. The Gemara cites a related baraita. The Sages taught: The verse states: “And Aaron shall come into the Tent of Meeting” (Leviticus 16:23), which is taken to mean that he enters the Holy of Holies. Why does he come? He comes in order to take out the incense spoon and the coal pan

Talmud - Bavli - The William Davidson digital edition of the Koren No=C3=A9 Talmud
with commentary by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz Even-Israel (CC-BY-NC 4.0)
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