איזו "בבא" הכי קשה?



MISHNAH: One disburses from the lodge1The room where the sheqalim were stored, to be disbursed as will be described in Mishnah 2. into three boxes of three seah each, on which is written ג ,ב ,א31The money to be spent in the inverse order of the boxes; then it always is clear how much money is left.. Rebbi Ismael says, it was written in Greek, A, B, Γ. The disburser enters neither in trousers32Rashi’s interpretation, Latin paragauda. Another interpretation: a long robe with wide cuffs (sources giben in Levy’s Dictionaty, vol. 4 col. 98b. Cf Arabic בֻּוגֻז). with pockets, nor with shoes33The last two are sewn together; the seam could be opened and coins stuffed in there., nor with sandals, nor with phylacteries nor with an amulet33The last two are sewn together; the seam could be opened and coins stuffed in there., lest he become poor and people would say, he became poor because he sinned in the lodge, or he became rich and people would say, he enriched himself from the money lifted from the lodge, for a person needs to be clean before people34Rabbinic Hebrew distinguishes between בִּרְיָה “creature” and בְּרִיָּה “creation”. as he has to be clean before the Omnipresent, as it is said35Num. 32:22., you have to be blameless before the Eternal and before Israel, and it says36Prov. 3:4., find grace and understanding in the eyes of God and men.

HALAKHAH: [Rebbi Ze`ira asked Rebbi Joshiah, what is the measure of three baskets? He told him, let us infer the hidden from the explicit. It is stated:]37Corrector’s addition from B, originally from Šabbat10, Notes 35–37. One distributes from the lodge into three boxes of three seah each, which is nine seah, which is 27An animal born between 23rd and 29th of Elul for Ben Azzai according to the rabbis has to be tithed the following year with the animals born the next year during Elul 1–22. seah38; it is written on them ג ,ב ,א. Why is ,ג ב ,א written on them? To say that one does not take from the first before one has taken from the second, and not from the second before one has taken from the third39The other two sources and the Tosephta (2:1) insist that the money was used in ascending order of the boxes/ “Before one has taken” means “before one has finished taking.”.

40The following text is the corrector’s addition from B; it is neither in the scribe’s text nor in ג. The entire Babylonian addition is irrelevant for the subject under discussion; it is a somewhat defective copy of a text in Šabbat8, Notes 25–51, which should be consulted for the meaning of the text. The Notes here are mostly restricted to remarks about deviations of this copy from the original. An appropriate version is in 8:1.[There, we have stated: “One who brings out wine to mix a cup.” Rebbi Ze`ira asked Rebbi Joshiah, what is the measure of a cup? He told him, let us infer the hidden from the explicit since Rebbi Ḥiyya stated, the Four Cups which they said add up to an Italic quartarius of wine.

A cup mixed by how much? Rebbi Yose bar Bevin said in the name of Rebbi Joḥanan, let us hear from the following: “Water. a gulp; Rebbi Jehudah says, for mixing a cup. Wine. a gulp; Rebbi Jehudah says, for mixing a cup.” This implies mixed as cups are mixed. What is the measure of cups? Rebbi Abun said, τέταρτρον is a quarter.

May one drink them together? Since Rebbi Meïr said,45Eccl. 8:1. Rebbi Joḥanan said, if he heard Hallel in the synagogue he has fulfilled his obligation, this implies that if he drank them together he fulfilled his obligation. May one drink them with interruptions? They said that he should drink to feel differently, not that he should get drunk. If he drinks them with interruptions, he will not become drunk. May one fulfill his obligation with Sabbatical wine? Rebbi Hoshaia stated, one may fulfill his obligation with Sabbatical wine. May one fulfill his obligation with spiced wine? Since Bar Qappara stated, spiced wine is like wine, which implies that one may fulfill his obligation with spiced wine. May one fulfill his obligation with mixed wine? Since Rebbi Ḥiyya stated: the Four Cups which they prescribed, one may fulfill his obligation either with unmixed or mixed, on condition that it have the taste and looks of wine. Rebbi Jeremiah said, it is meritorious to fulfill one’s obligation with red wine. What is the reason? Do not see wine when it shows its red color, when put in our cup42Prov. 23:31. A hilarious misquote of בַּכּוֹס עֵינוֹ as בְּכוֹסֵינוּ, caused by the disappearance of ע as audible sound.. It was stated, cooked for spice. May one fulfill his obligation with cooked wine? Rebbi Jonah said, one may fulfill his obligation with cooked wine. Rebbi Jonah follows his own opinion, since Rebbi Jonah drank his four cups in the Passover night and had a headache until Tabernacles43Contamination of the story of R. Jonah, who had a headache until Pentecost, with that of R. Jehudah bar Ilai, the subject of the following paragraph, who had a headache until Tabernacles..

Talmud - Bavli - The William Davidson digital edition of the Koren No=C3=A9 Talmud
with commentary by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz Even-Israel (CC-BY-NC 4.0)
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