איזו "בבא" הכי קשה?



The Gemara asks: But can you establish that the opinion of Rabbi Shimon is in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Akiva, that one who sells or consecrates property does so generously? But isn’t it taught in a baraita: If one consecrates three trees in a field where ten trees are planted in an area required for sowing one se’a of seed [beit se’a], he has consecrated not only those trees, but also the land and the young trees between them? Therefore, if this is an ancestral field of his, when he redeems them, he redeems the land and everything contained within it according to the standard rate established by the Torah, whereby an area fit for the sowing of a ḥomer, i.e., a kor, of barley seed is redeemed for fifty silver shekels.

The baraita continues: If the ratio of land to trees was less than this, and the trees were planted more densely, or if the ratio of land to trees was more than this, and the trees were planted less densely, or if he consecrated each of the trees separately, one after the other, this person has consecrated neither the land nor the young trees between them. Therefore, when he redeems them, he redeems the trees in accordance with their worth. And moreover, even if one consecrates the trees where they are planted more densely, less densely, or one after the other, and then afterward he consecrates the land, so that everything belongs to the Temple treasury, when he redeems them, he redeems the trees separately in accordance with their worth, and then he redeems the land according to the standard rate, where an area fit for the sowing of a ḥomer of barley seed is redeemed for fifty silver shekels.

The Gemara clarifies: Whose opinion is expressed in the baraita? If it is the opinion of Rabbi Akiva, doesn’t he say that one who sells, sells generously, and all the more so one who consecrates does so generously? This being the case, even if the trees were consecrated one after the other, some of the land should be consecrated along with them. And if the baraita reflects the opinion of the Rabbis, don’t they say in the mishna that it is specifically the seller who sells sparingly, but one who consecrates, consecrates generously, and therefore the pit and the winepress are consecrated along with the field? Therefore, the halakha stated here is not in accordance with their opinion either. Rather, it is obvious that the baraita is in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Shimon in the mishna here, that even one who consecrates a field does not consecrate the cistern and the winepress along with it.

And the opinion of Rabbi Shimon is in accordance with the opinion of whom? If it is in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Akiva, doesn’t he say that one who sells, sells generously, and all the more so one who consecrates does so generously? Rather, it is obvious that his opinion is in accordance with the opinion of the Rabbis, who disagree with Rabbi Akiva and say that one who sells, sells sparingly. And Rabbi Shimon disagrees with the Rabbis insofar as he himself holds that just as one who sells, sells sparingly, one who consecrates also consecrates sparingly and retains the land around the trees for himself.

Talmud - Bavli - The William Davidson digital edition of the Koren No=C3=A9 Talmud
with commentary by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz Even-Israel (CC-BY-NC 4.0)
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