איזו "בבא" הכי קשה?



MISHNA: In the case of one for whom benefit from another is forbidden, before, i.e., a year other than the Sabbatical Year, he may neither enter the field of that other person, nor eat from the produce that leans out of the field, even if he does not enter the field. And during the Sabbatical Year, when the produce of the trees is ownerless, he may not enter his field; however, he may eat from the growths that lean out of the field, as the produce does not belong to the other person. If one vowed before the Sabbatical Year that benefit from another’s food is forbidden for him, he may enter his field; however, he may not eat of the produce. And during the Sabbatical Year, he may enter the field and may eat the produce.

GEMARA: It is Rav and Shmuel who both say that if one vowed before the Sabbatical Year: Benefit from this property is forbidden to you, the other may neither enter his field, nor eat from the produce that leans out of the field, even though the Sabbatical Year arrived in the interim, because the prohibition of the produce took effect before the Sabbatical Year and remained in effect after the Sabbatical Year began. And if he vowed during the Sabbatical Year, he may not enter a field that is included in that property; however, he may eat from the produce that leans out of the field, because the produce was ownerless when he vowed.

And it is Rabbi Yoḥanan and Reish Lakish who both say that if one vowed before the Sabbatical Year: Benefit from my property is forbidden to you, the other may neither enter his field nor eat from the produce that leans out of the field. When the Sabbatical Year arrives, he may not enter his field; however, he may eat from the produce that leans out of the field, because the produce is ownerless.

The Gemara suggests: Let us say that they disagree about this, that Rav and Shmuel hold: A person can render an item in his possession forbidden, and the prohibition remains in effect even when it leaves his possession. Since he rendered the produce forbidden before the Sabbatical Year, the prohibition remains in effect after the produce becomes ownerless during the Sabbatical Year. And Rabbi Yoḥanan and Reish Lakish hold: A person cannot render an item in his possession forbidden and have the prohibition remain in effect when it leaves his possession. Therefore, it is permitted to eat the produce during the Sabbatical Year.

The Gemara asks: And how can you understand it in that manner? Is there anyone who says that a person cannot render an item in his possession forbidden and have the prohibition remain in effect when it leaves his possession? If so, if Rabbi Yoḥanan and Reish Lakish hold that one cannot do so, let them disagree in the case of one who said: Benefit from this property is forbidden to you, and that would be true all the more so if he said: Benefit from my property is forbidden to you. In the latter case, it is clear that the prohibition remains in effect only as long as the item remains in his possession.

And furthermore, didn’t we learn in a mishna (Bava Kamma 108b) that a person can render an item in his possession forbidden and the prohibition remains in effect when it leaves his possession? This is as we learned in a mishna, that with regard to one who says to his son: Benefit from my property is konam for you, if the father dies, the son will inherit him. He is not deriving benefit from his father’s property, as after death it is no longer his. If the father vowed to render benefit from his property forbidden to his son during his lifetime and upon his death,

Talmud - Bavli - The William Davidson digital edition of the Koren No=C3=A9 Talmud
with commentary by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz Even-Israel (CC-BY-NC 4.0)
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