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The 12th Siyum HaShas Highlights - Almost 7 Years Ago‏

12th Siyum Hashas Highlights: A Historical Milestone Encourages Yet More Learning of the Daf

The event was so large; so unprecedented; so inspirational; that even seasoned secular news reporters could not hide their amusement: “The Super Bowl of religion,” said one reporter. “The largest celebration of Jewish learning in 2,000 years,” observed another.

At the 12th Siyum Hashas hosted by The Agudah, there was not an empty seat among 82,000 in MetLife Stadium. They were filled by yidden of all ages and backgrounds, from throughout the United States and other nations around the world. Some 10,000 yidden participated in The Siyum live at official satellite locations around the globe. The dais as well was filled by the full gamut of rabbanim and roshei Yeshiva from throughout the USA and beyond, including several ziknei hador from Eretz Yisroel.

No Jewish communal event in contemporary history even came close to this monumental display of ahavas haTorah, kiddush Hashem and achdus.

The electrifying addresses; the spontaneous dancing; and the stirring melodious tefillah of “V’zakeini l’gadeil banin u’bnei banim…” made a profound impression among all attendees – indeed all of klal Yisroel.

It is no wonder that the 13th cycle of learning the Daf encompasses the most lomdim, the most shiurim, ever – bli ayin hora. As this cycle reaches its final months, over 100,000 yidden worldwide look forward to celebrating The Agudah’s upcoming Siyum together, b’ezras Hashem – marking yet a new historical milestone in limud haTorah.

The sights and sounds of the 13th Siyum are already tantalizing our collective imaginations. Hadran alach

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